In a move that few would might have seen coming, 2018 (and… uh reigning) World Champion Davide Ongaro has graduated a step up and will be racing with a full factory O.S. deal in 2021 and beyond. Shimazaki san from O.S. had this to say, “We hope to show great performance of our products in the coming season together with him.”
Ongaro departs after at least 5 seasons under LRP power (Yes click the link, he has also grown since then!) amongst numerous titles including the last Neo at Harper Adams and perhaps the crowning achievement in any career or partnership, an IFMAR World Title. In a move similar to previous occasions we expect O.S. to produce a special ‘Ongaro’ edition engine later in 2021 cementing his role as their new #1 driver.
See O.S. Speed